""Elderly and children, men and women, who were little
more than skin and bones: gaunt, severely malnourished,
so weak they could barely walk, and utterly desperate for
the slightest morsel," the U.N. chief told reporters on
Poverty Insights
Warning: beware of organizations or individuals who believe that fighting poverty includes “population control.” They think, wrongly, that if there were LESS people, there would be MORE food & other resources available for people. They are WRONG. With more people, we have more individuals to help create & sustain infrastructures that can & will alleviate poverty, assist the disabled & elderly, & create good communities. Those in favor of so-called “population control” usually also support abortion & maybe even assisted suicide or other forms of euthanasia . It’s a slippery slope that is the EXACT OPPOSITE of God’s intention for the world.